Friday 22 March 2013

Don't talk to strangers

We have all experienced it, that moment when you are just about to walk out of the door, and then from out of nowhere your mother ambushes you. You know exactly what she will say next and there is nothing that you can do about it."Be careful and don't talk to strangers".

 Of course that was many years ago, and it was very practical advice back then when you were a little child about to walk out from under the safety of your mothers wings. But as the years wore on, you found it necesary to talk to more and more strangers, it is required even expected of you.

 And then you are thrust into a strange place (university), with the strangest strangers that you will ever meet (mostly your lecturers).

Just a random picture...nothing strange about it. 

Recently I have adopted a new practice. During my daily trek home on the wits inter-campus bus I have taken to sitting next to strangers and just starting random conversations.

so far I have met a students studying geology, B com, biology, various engineering branches , and an actuarial science student (even after talking to her I still have no idea what an actuary actually does (nor do I think that actuaries themselves know what actuaries do.(people probably pay them obscene amounts of money just for having a cool sounding job title)))

Yes, you are wise indeed philosorapter.  

lastly I have noticed that university is the place that much of  your mother's good advice (that has been drilled into you since birth) goes to die.

Have I been Eating all my vegetables? chips are technically a vegetable (and a staple amongst students).

 Do I eat at least 5 colours on my plate? Yes all 5 are on 
my pizza right now (it has most of the major food groups too).

  Do I drink enough water? well coke has water in it you know.

 Have I Been getting enough sleep?  

why yes...yes I have.

(All images are copyrighted by their respective copyright owners)

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